Finding My Past Indentity .

Hai, assalamualaikum guys. On 18/06/2015 was my last post, dah setahun lebih dah kan. Tanpa sedar masa berlalu dengan cepatkan? Dalam 1 tahun banyak perkara yang berlaku kan ? mesti banyak perkara sedih , pahit , manis yang mengisi semua kehidupan kita kan ? And to me there is a lot of things happened and i can't seem to put it in a word. Haha, so that was a pendahuluan kalau dalam terms karangan, hahaha pengenalan actually . So, as i come across my facebook homepage, there is some sort of  "flashback memories" that facebook make for us to look back on memories that we post on facebook. So, I click a photo of me,my family, cat, and friends and korang tau tak aku terringat semula kenangan  5,4 tahun yang lepas dan aku boleh katakan yang aku banyak berubah ....

So, I come to think of what kind of change of me in 2016 ? Apa yang berubah ? Apa beza aku dulu? dan sekarang ? Aku ingat lagi bila ade satu masa aku berjanji pada diri aku yang aku akan berubah , tapi melalui apa yang aku rasa sekarang yang perubahan aku .... dah membuatkan aku tak rasa aku lagi. I felt that I was a different person, sebab aku yang dulu lebih kepada seorang kawan baik yang menjadi teman pendengar yang baik. Sekarang, aku lebih menjadi pencerita, and itu membuatkan aku rase aku hilang identiti aku.

Looking back at my old photos , I realized that i was so innocent and kindhearted in the past. I like how i am in the past. Hahaha,sorry for posting a post that sad yet inpiring.  

I wonder how was i in the future? how well will i live ? will i die soon ? You know , lately i feel kind of lonely, maybe because i'm still doing the same thing for the past 4 years , still making the same mistakes. 

I feel lonely especially bila aku sensorang dalam bilik, many thought came across in my mind. the thought i have that even my parents will shock if they know.

hahaha. i wish someday Allah s.w.t will grant my wish and my dreams, i wish Allah can find the best soulmate for me, so that i can become a better person with his guidance. how i wish my lonelineess will gone soon. i want to live to the fullest..  

p/s : dont mind my broken grammar, since i write this post without thinking much, haha. i wish my reader will live in happiness to the fullest. bye see you guys soon. assalamualaikum, ;)


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